Engineering management
The Department for Engineering Management was developed 15 years ago, in 2002, at the Technical faculty in Bor, the University of Belgrade. Members of the Department for Engineering Management are experts in Material flow balancing, Environmental management, Quantitative data analysis, Numerical modelling, Statistical modelling (including linear and nonlinear statistics), Modelling of industrial processes and the use of simulation techniques (Optimization methods – Linear Programming, Non-linear Programming, Dynamic Programming), Data mining, Algorithm development, Information systems, E-commerce, Multicriteria models for ranking and selection of optimal solutions (Multicriteria methods: PROMETHEE, AHP, ELECTRE, …), Services Marketing, Market research, Web design, E- commerce and Online marketing. A large number of scientific papers has been published in international journals (SCI and SCIe lists) by the teaching staff of this department, and the results of our projects and research activities have been presented at international meetings. The projects in which the experts from the Department for Engineering Management are included are in the scope of: Material flow analysis, Material flow management, Education and Consulting, Curriculum development, International Networks Building, Entrepreneurship and Innovation…
Research directions of the Engineering Management Department:
- The Department for Engineering Management is one of the departments of the Technical Faculty in Bor, located in the town of Bor (Serbia). This region is famous for the wide developed industrial activities, due to the fact that one of the largest copper mine and copper smelting facility are located in the region. Accordingly, our first research goal is dedicated to modelling, simulation and optimization of the large industrial facilities, based on the contemporary numerical analysis. Besides cooperation with the local RTB Bor Company, the representatives of our department were involved in the industrial projects along with the following companies: Birač Alumina Company from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Arcelor Mittal Steel from Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Another goal of Engineering Management Department is in environmental management research. In the frame of this research, representatives are developing the frames for monitoring, modelling and prevention of different industrial and nonindustrial waste and pollution sources in the region of Serbia. Our representatives have conducted a large number of investigations in the research field of air and soil pollution in the vicinity of large industrial facilities. The main object of our previous research work was the SO2 and PM emission modelling, in the vicinity of copper smelter which is operational in the town where the Technical faculty is located (Bor, Serbia). The main target of our research was the development of an accurate model for the prediction of SO2 concentration, depending on input parameters of copper smelting process and the meteorological parameters. Also, we conducted research on the dependence of PM pollution in the air and in the soil deepening on position of the area relative to smelter plant. Besides this, we have experience in analysing the sources of tropospheric ozone in the urban environment. From our previous research, we obtained a database with air pollution indicators at different measuring stations in Serbia (SO2, NO, NOx, VOx, O3 and PM), together with statistical evaluation of the data.
- The third research goal of our department is the development of the entrepreneurial potential of young people (high school and university students) in the region. This is due to the fact that monostructural industry of the region in the surroundings of large industrial facilities has led to a low level of the development of entrepreneurial potentials, especially among younger population. In the frame of this research goal, in the year 2008 the Technical faculty in Bor become a partner of the HP LIFE program. This program is based on the most contemporary approach of integrating the ICT in entrepreneurship. The special interest of this project is in acceleration of youth entrepreneurship in the form of SME and microenterprises development. The program was originally developed as the GET IT project, managed by Micro Enterprise Acceleration Institute – MEA I (Switzerland) and Hewlett Packard. During the year 2012 this project continued as HP LIFE program. Education according to the HP LIFE program is organized in 49 countries around the world. As a participating organization, the Technical faculty in Bor received HP equipment and training materials for the program. With obtained equipment and skills, the members of our department developed the GET IT curriculum in Serbian language and integrated it in the 3rd year subjects of Engineering Management Department curriculum: Management informational systems and Entrepreneurship. Accordingly, since the year 2009, all our students enrolled in these courses have also been trained in accordance to the HP LIFE curriculum. During the year 2012, the Technical faculty in Bor proposed the HP LIFE Serbia project to the Centre for Promotion of Science in Belgrade. The Centre decided to support this project. Accordingly, the Technical Faculty in Bor organized trainings for the students in secondary schools in Bor (the Secondary School of Economics and Trade and the Secondary School for Technical Education)
Study program : Engineering management
Undergraduate Academic Studies (1st level of the academic studies)
Master Academic Studies (2nd level of the academic studies)
Doctoral Academic Studies (3rd level of the academic studies)
Studies and curriculums
Engineering management (1st, 2nd and 3rd level of studies continued from 2002)